Im Rahmen der Produktion von Creature Feature nutzen wir Soundeffekte von Es folgt eine Liste mit allen verwendeten Effekten und den entsprechenden Erstellern:
ClockTickSound_01.wav by abyeditsound
clock / music-box spring mechanism wind-up by OrbitalChiller
Metal heavy mechanics by jorickhoofd
Bicycle Pump – Metal – Fast Release 04.wav by Phi_Sound
walking through leaves by FunkyFilms
Sliding door opening and closing.wav by musicandsoundyay
Car Gear Shift/Change/Up/Down Sound by qubodup
bus_engine_shutdown_inside.wav by 13FPanska_Sychra_Petr
Metal Object Tapped.aif by RutgerMuller
Thinking Marimba | by Marlys.aif by ohforheavensake
sawtooth-power-up.wav by luckylittleraven
Piano Pedal Pressed / Organ Pull Stop Sound by Werra
Person Sitting and Rising Soft Chair.WAV by sgcardinal